Abstracts 2009

72nd Meteoritical Society Meeting,
Nancy, France
 July 13-18, 2009

Amari S., Zinner E., Gallino R., and Lewis R. S. (2009)
Presolar graphite from the Murchison meteorite.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 44, A21.

Bose M., Floss C., and Stadermann F. J. (2009)
Presolar silicate and oxide dust in ALHA77307.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 44, A36.

Croat T. K., Jadhav M., Lebsack E., Bernatowicz T. J. (2009)
Refractory metal nuggets within presolar graphite.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 44, A55.

Daulton T. L., Stadermann F. J., Bernatowicz T. J., Amari S., and Lewis R. S. (2009)
Coordinated TEM/NanoSIMS microanalysis of structurally or isotopically rare presolar silicon carbides.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 44, submitted (#5381).

Hynes K. M., Gyngard F., Zinner E. and Nittler L. R. (2009)
Iron and nickel isotopic compositions of silicon carbide Z grains.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 44, A56.

Gyngard F. and Zinner E. (2009)
A presolar spinel grain of probable nova origin.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 44, A82.

Lin Y., Gyngard F., and Zinner E. (2009)
Searching for extinct chlorine-36 in enstatite chondrites: new constraints on the distribution of short-lived nuclides in the solar nebula.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 44, A122.

Liu M.-C., Nittler L. R., Alexander C. M., Gyngard F. (2009)
An automated NanoSIMS search for presolar oxide grains.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 44, A123.

MacPherson G. J., Davis A. M., and Zinner E. (2009)
What’s in a histogram? Deconstructing and reconstructing initial 26Al/27Al.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 44, A130.

Matsuda J. and Amari S. (2009)
Re-examination of the effect of pyridine treatment on phase Q in Orqueil.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 44, A134.

Meshik A., Hohenberg C., Pravdivtseva O., Frank D., and Zolensky M. (2009)
Possible presence of spallation neon in the outer layer of particle-free aerogel flown on board of the Stardust mission.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 44, A140.

Varela M. E., Zinner E., and Kurat G. (2009)
SIMS study of Tucson (Irungr) silicates.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 44, A210.

Varela M. E., Zinner E., Zucolotto M. E., and Kurat G. (2009)
SIMS study of an unknown silicate phase from the Patos de Mnas IIA iron.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 44, A211.

Goldschmidt 2009,
Davos, Switzerland, June 21-26, 2009

Floss C. and Stadermann F. J. (2009)
The presolar grain inventories of Adelaide and Kakangari.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73, A385.

Stadermann F. J., Floss C., Kearsley A. T., and Burchell, M. J. (2009) 
Why are there so few presolar grains in samples from comet Wild 2?
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73, A1262.

40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, TX March 23-27, 2009

Croat T. K., Bernatowicz T. J., and Stadermann F. J. (2009)
Auger and NanoSIMS investigations of pristine presolar SiC surfaces.
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #1887.

Croat T. K., Jadhav M., Lebsack E., and Bernatowicz T. J. (2009)
Low-density presolar graphite spherules from the Orgueil meteorite.
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #2175.

Daulton T. L., Bernatowicz T. J., and Croat T. K. (2009)
Alteration of TiC in supernovae outflows: transmission electron microscopy study of TiC subgrains in supernovae graphite.
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #1996.

Floss C. and Stadermann F. J. (2009)
Interstellar components in the primitive C R3 chondrites QUE 99177 and MET 00426.
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #1083.

Floss C., Stadermann F. J., Yada T., Noguchi T., and Nakamura T. (2009)
Anomalous nitrogen isotopic compositions in the stardust-rich Antarctic micrometeorite T98G8: affinities to primitive CR chondrites and anhydrous IDPs.
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #1082.

Gyngard F., Morgand A., Nittler L. R., Stadermann F. J., and Zinner E. (2009)
Extreme oxygen and magnesium isotopic anomalies in presolar spinel grains from the Murray carbonaceous meteorite.
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #1386.

Hynes K. M. and Gyngard F. (2009)
The presolar grain database: http://presolar.wustl.edu/~pgd
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #1198.

Hynes K. M., Amari S., Croat T. K., Mertz A. F., and Bernatowicz T. J. (2009)
An analysis of presolar SiC X grains and mainstream grains using transmission electron microscopy.
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #1398.

Jadhav M., Amari S., Zinner E., and Maruoka T. (2009)
Continued isotopic studies of low-density graphite grains from Orgueil.
Lunar Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #2394.

Kurat G., Zinner E., Varela M. E., and Ntaflos T. (2009)
Sigrmet05: a silicate-graphite-metal inclusion from the Campo del Cielo (IAB) iron.
Lunar Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #1536.

Mabry J. C., Meshik A. P., Hohenberg C. M., and Burnett D. S. (2009)
Real-tiime diffusive losses of light noble gases from Genesis aluminum collectors.
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #1783.

Meshik A. P., Hohenberg C. M., Pravdivtseva O. V., Mabry J. C., Allton J. H., and Burnett D. S. (2009)
Relative abundances of heavy noble gases from the polished aluminum solar wind collector on Genesis.
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #2037.
Pravdivtseva O., Meshik A., Hohenberg C. M., and Kurat G. (2009)
I-Xe system in Campo del Cielo silicates.
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #1578.

Stadermann F. J., Floss C., Gavinsky A., Kearsley A. T., and Burchell M. J.  (2009)
Calibrating the abundance determinations of presolar grains in Wild 2 cometary matter.
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #1188.

Stadermann F. J., Floss C., Brownlee D. E., and Rodruck M. (2009)
Revisiting LDEF: high resolution elemental and isotopic characterization of hypervelocity impacts.
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #2120.

Stroud R. M., Floss C., and Stadermann F. J. (2009)
Structure, elemental composition and isotopic composition of presolar silicates in MET 00426.
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #1063.

Varela M. E., Zinner E., and Kurat G. (2009)
Chondrule Tieschitz IIM: clues to the origin of early liquids?
Lunar Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #1390.

Westphal, A. J., Allen C., Bajt S., Basset R., Bastien R., Bechtel H., Bleuet P., Borg J., Brenker F.,  Bridges J., Brownlee D. E., Burchell M., Burghammer M., Butterworth A. L., Cloetens P., Cody G., Ferroir T., Floss C., Flynn G. J., Frank D., Gainsforth Z., Grün E., Hoppe P., Kearsley A., Lemelle L., Leroux H., Lettieri R., Marchant W., Mendez B., Nittler L. R., Ogliore R., Postberg F., Sandford S. A., Schmitz S., Silversmit G., Simionovici A., Srama R., Stadermann F., Stephan T., Stroud R. M., Susini J., Sutton S., Trielff M., Tsou P., Tsuchiyama A., Tyliczszak T., Vekemans B., Vincze L., Warren J., Zolensky M. E., and > 26,000Stardust@home dusters (2009)
Stardust interstellar preliminary examination (ISPE).
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #1786.0

Zinner E. and Gyngard F. (2009)
FIB in the NanoSIMS.
Lunar Planet. Sci. XL, Abstract #1046.