Congrats to Sachiko on her NASA grant to study presolar graphite grains in CM chondrites!
Iron Meteorite Witnessed Fall: Sanchore

This is an incredible meteorite. Just look at it!
Bon Voyage Lionel!

Farewell potluck for Lionel today. He will be greatly missed!
Sculpted by Starlight
Lionel’s GCA paper on S isotopes in cosmic symplectite is out, and the Wash U press release is too!
I’m super excited about this paper. It addresses one of the main questions in cosmochemistry: What was the astronomical context of the Solar System’s formation?
39285 Kipkeino
Erg Chech 002 maps
I’ve uploaded Erg Chech 002 BSE+optical+EDS maps (a and b) to our collection of gigapixel meteorite maps. It is a fascinating meteorite! I’m trying to understand it better, with a little help from my friends.
NanoSIMS+AutoHotKey=infinite power?
We’re using this autohotkey script to change secondary ion beam settings for different B fields on our NanoSIMS. Though it appears to be a bit of a hack, it gives us tremendous power to use the instrument exactly how we want. We will use this power responsibly!
Erg Chech 002

Cotswolds Meteorite
An incredibly exciting meteorite fall (carbonaceous chondrite, likely CM) in England, near the village of Winchcombe in the Cotswolds. This particular part of the world holds special significance for me and my family as I’ve walked the Cotswold Way with my mother, father, and brother, through Winchcombe, twice: in 2019 and 2011. It’s hard for me to fathom that this fall happened in the Cotswolds — amazing!
From Starlight to Stardust
The McDonnell Center for Space Sciences recently hosted these fantastic panel discussion on current problems in astrochemistry, cosmochemsitry, and the formation of planetary systems. The recording is available on youtube here.