71st Meteoritical Society Meeting
Matsue, Japan, July 28 – August 1, 2008
Amari S. (2008)
On the origin of 22Na in ne-E(L).
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, A17.
Avila J. N., Ireland T. R., Holden P., Gyngard F., Bennett V., Amari S., and Zinner E. (2008)
Tungsten isotopic compositions in presolar silicon carbide grains.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, A20.
Bose M., Floss C., and Stadermann F. J. (2008)
Iron-enriched stardust grains in the meteorites Acfer 094, QUE 99177 and MET 00426.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, A27.
Floss C. and Stadermann F. J. (2008)
C-anomalous phases in QUE 99177 and MET 00426.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, A44.
Grew E. S., Yates M. G., Beane R. J., Floss C., and Gerbi C. (2008)
Chopinite-sarcopside solid solution, (Mg,Fe)3(PO4)2, in lodranite GRA 95209.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, A50.
Kimura M., Lin Y., Floss C., Suzuki A., Mikouchi T., and Ebihara M. (2008)
Fluorophlogopite in the EH chondrite Y-82189.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, A75.
Kurat G., Varela M. E., and Zinner E. (2008)
AlO(OH) is a major constituent of the CAI “Blue Moon” from the Renazzo (CV3) chondrite.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, A82.
Matsuda J., Tsukamoto H., Miyakawa C., and Amari S. (2008)
Noble gas study of the Saratov chondrite (L4).
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, A92.
Stadermann F. J. and Floss C. (2008)
Determining the elemental and isotopic makeup of cosmic dust from residues in impact craters: preparation for the ISPE.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, A147.
Stroud R. M., Nguyen A. N., Alexander C. M. O’D., Nittler L. R., and Stadermann F. J. (2008)
Transmission electron microscopy of in situ presolar silicates in Alan Hills 77307.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, A148.
Vollmer C., Stadermann F. J., Floss C., Hoppe P., and Brenker F. E. (2008)
Atypical magnesium abundances in oxygen-rich stardust: NanoSIMS and Auger analyses.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, A164.
Westphal A. J., Allen C., Bajt S., Bastien R., Bechtel H. A., Borg J., Brenker F., Bridges J., Brownlee, D. E., Butterworth A. L., Burchell M., Burghammer M., Clark B., Cody G., Floss C., Flynn G., Frank D., Gainsforth Z., Grün E., Hoppe P., Kearsley A., Kelley N., Leroux H., Nittler L. R., Lettieri R., Mendez B., Marchant W., Sandford S. A., Simionovici A., Stadermann F., Sternovsky Z., Stroud R. M., Sutton S., Tsou P., Tsuchiyama A., Tyliczszak T., Vekemans B., Vincze L., Warren J., Zolensky M. E., and >23,000 Stardust@home dusters. (2008)
Stardust interstellar preliminary examination – first results.
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, A169.
39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Houston TX, USA, March 10-14, 2008
Barzyk J. G., Savina M. R., Davis A. M., Gyngard F., Amari S., Zinner E., Pellin M. J., Lewis R. S., and Clayton R. N. (2008)
Heavy element isotopic compositions of presolar SiC grains of types AB, X, Y and Z.
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #1986.
Bose M., Stadermann F. J., and Floss C. (2008) An investigation into the origin of group 4 stardust grains. Lunar. Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #1099.
Croat T. K. and Stadermann F. J. (2008) Extreme Si-29 and Si-30 enrichments found in rare Murchison SiC-containing graphites. Lunar. Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #1739.
Floss C. and Stadermann F. J. (2008) The stardust inventories of CR chondrites QUE 99177 and MET 00426, and the distribution of presolar silicate and oxide grains in the early solar system. Lunar. Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #1280.
Heck P. R., Gyngard F., Meier M. M. M., Avila J. N., Amari S., Zinner E., Lewis R. S., Baur H. and Wieler R. (2008) Presolar neon and helium exposure ages of jumbo presolar SiC grains (LS+LU) from Murchison. Lunar. Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #1239.
Hoppe P., Vollmer C., Heck P. R., Gröner E., Gallino R., and Amari S. (2008) NanoSIMS studies of small presolar Sic grains: C- and Si-isotopic compositions and trace element abundances. Lunar. Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #1025.
Hynes K. M., Amari S., Bernatowicz T. J., Croat T. K., and Mertz A. F. (2008) Continued studies of ultramicrotomed presolar SiC X grains. Lunar. Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #2076.
Jadhav M., Amari S., Zinner E., and Maruoka T. (2008) Ti isotopic ratios in low-density graphite grains from Orgueil. Lunar. Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #1047.
Knight K. B., Sutton S. R., Newville M., Davis A. M., Dauphas N., Lewis R. S., Amari S., Steele I. M., Savina M. R., and Pellin M. J. (2008) Trace element determinations in presolar SiC grains by synchrotron x-ray fluorescence: commencement of a coordinated multimethod study. Lunar. Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #2135.
Lin Y., Gyngard F., and Zinner E. (2008) Aluminum-26, titanium-44 and vanadum-49 in SiC and Si3N4 grains of type X from the Qingzhen (EH3) chondrite. Lunar. Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #1529.
Mabry J. C., Meshik A. P., Hohenberg C. M., Burnett D. S., and Allton J. (2008) Light noble gas diffusion in Genesis samples. Lunar. Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #2255.
Meshik A. P., Pravdivtseva O. V., Hohenberg C. M., Mabry J. C., Allton J., and Burnett D. S. (2008) Argon release profiles and a preliminry Ar/Kr ratio from the Genesis polished aluminum collector. Lunar. Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #2537.
Nguyen A. N., Stadermann F. J., Nittler L. R., and Alexander C. M. O’D. (2008) Characterization of presolar silicate and oxide grains using NanoSIMS and Auger spectroscopy. Lunar. Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #2142.
Pravdivtseva O., Meshik A., Petaev M., and Hohenberg C. M. (2008) I-Xe ages and the thermal history of the Toluca IAB meteorite. Lunar. Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #2504.
Ruzicka A., Floss C. and Hutson M. (2008) Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) in the Efremovka (CVR) chondrite: first SIMS trace-element results. Lunar. Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #1764.
Stadermann F. J. and Floss C. (2008) Abundance of presolar grains in comet Wild 2 and implications for transport and mixing in the solar nebula. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #1889.
Varela M. E., Zinner E., and Kurat G. (2008)
Glasses in Tucson (IRUNGR): a SIMS study.
Lunar. Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #1373.
Westphal A. J., Allen C., Bastien R., Borg J., Brenker F., Bridges J., Brownlee D. E., Butterworth A. L., Floss C., Flynn G., Frank D., Gainsforth Z., Grün E., Hoppe P., Kearsley A., Leroux H., Nittler L. R., Sandford S. A., Simionovici A., Stadermann F., Stroud R. M., Tsou P., Tyliczszak T., Warren J., Zolensky M. E., and >23,000 Stardust@home dusters (2008)
Preliminary examination of the interstellar collector of Stardust.
Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIX, #1855.